Alte Signatur | | Provenienz | Nachlass John und Gertrud Heartfield | Ort | | Bemerkungen | Beschreibung in M.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947:
"A group of lawyers, six seated, two standing, all old, ugly, and caricatured. Above their heads devils with fishing-rods lean over a high barrier or wall, dangling baits inscribed '£100' and '£500'. One lawyer, younger and less ugly than the rest, has swallowed a bait and is being drawn upwards, his wig falling off. The others wait with feigned unconsciousness, or gape for the bait. One man (left) studies a paper: 'Cause of Giles Thickskull [?] Versus Nics Windover begun in 1618 Came to a [?] final Determination in 1800.' 25 March 1800." | | Person/Institution | Cawse, John (1779 - 1862) | , Künstler/in | |
| Weitere Personen/Institutionen | | | Indexbegriffe | Personenindex: Cawse, John
| Technische Daten | Maße: 25,3 x 39,4 cm Material/Technik: Radierung, handkoloriert
| Umfang | 1 | | Objektspezifische Felder | Beschriftung | In der Platte bez. mit Titel; "Publishd March 25th 1800 by S W Fores Piccadilly' | Werkverzeichnis | M.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947 | |
| Medientyp | Bilddatei | Dateiname | Cawse_DR_7166.jpg | Dateigröße | 554.2 kB | Hinweis | Konsolidiert |
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