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recto: "Ornaments of Chelsea Hospital;-or-a peep into the last century." verso: "Margaret's ghost"
max. Changelog ID: 2071502
SignaturKS-Gillray-James DR 7165
Bestand: Kunstsammlung
BestandJames Gillray
recto: "Ornaments of Chelsea Hospital;-or-a peep into the last century."
verso: "Margaret's ghost"
Status des Bestandsextern
Freigabewie Bestand
Alte Signatur
ProvenienzNachlass John und Gertrud Heartfield
BemerkungenBeschreibung zum Motiv recto in M.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947: "A three quarter length portrait of Dr. Messenger Monsey walking towards the spectator; his right arm rests on the shoulder of a Chelsea pensioner; both men walk with sticks. Monsey wears a hat and wig, the pensioner holds his hat in his right hand. The background is the north front of Chelsea Hospital showing its pediment and eastern portion. This is very freely sketched, as are two pensioners with crutches by the doorway. Beneath the title is etched:

'Epitaph on the late Dr Monsey, supposed to have been written by himself.
Here lie my old limbs - my vexation now ends,
For I've liv'd much too long for myself & my Friends
As to church-yards & grounds which the Parsons call holy,
Tis a rank piece of priestcraft, & founded on folly;
In short, I despise them; and as for my Soul,
Which may mount the last day with my bones from this hole
I think that it really hath nothing to fear
From the God of mankind, whom I truly revere.
What the next world may be, little troubles my pate
If not better than this, I beseech thee, Oh! Fate,
When the bodies of millions fly up in a riot,
To let the old carcase of Monsey lie quiet.
Peter Pindar.' 19 January 1789." zum Motiv verso: "The interior of a bedroom, with Miss Gunning in bed (left), facing the spectator; a stout woman, her mother, holds her arm; both look round in alarm at a much-caricatured creature, Miss Minifie, who rushes towards them (right) from an open door, arms outstretched, gaping with staring eyeballs. Mrs. Gunning raises a leg in her surprise, breaking a bottle of 'Brandy' which with a glass had been concealed under her petticoats. Beneath the design is etched: 'What's the matter Auntee-Peg, what makes you put on such a long Face?"' In the upper and lower margins is the inscription: 'I was sitting by the Bedside of my smiling-injured-innocent-Lambkin, & holding one of the sweet tender hands of my amiable-gentle-dovelike-Cherub, when her Aunt came into the Room, with a face paler than Ashes, - "What is the matter, Auntee Peg" - says my dear-chaste-adorable-kind-benificent-enchanting-heart-feeling-benificent-paragon of Goodness \ She broke upon us the dishonorable-infamous-false-accusations, & the cruel most cruel messages that accompanied them, at that moment a Vow issued from my torn, my rent, my wounded, my agonizing, my suffering Heart, & my dear-divine-glorious-Arch angelic-Angel, said &c &c.' 25 March 1791."

Gillray, James (13. August 1756 - 1. Juni 1815), Künstler/in
Weitere Personen/Institutionen
IndexbegriffePersonenindex: Gillray, James
Technische DatenMaße: 33,2 x 28,7 cm (Blattmaß)
Material/Technik: Radierung
Objektspezifische Felder
BeschriftungIn der Platte jew. bez. mit Titel und Prod. u. Publ. Nachweis (siehe Bemerkungsfeld).
WerkverzeichnisM.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947
Dateigröße282.1 kB
Dateigröße321.5 kB