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The Fall of Icarus
max. Changelog ID: 2078072
SignaturKS-Gillray-James DR 7157
Bestand: Kunstsammlung
BestandJames Gillray
The Fall of Icarus
Status des Bestandsextern
Freigabewie Bestand
Alte Signatur
ProvenienzNachlass John und Gertrud Heartfield
BemerkungenBeschreibung zum Motiv M.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947: "Lord Temple, naked, wtth large feathered wings bound to his upraised arms, attempts to fly after his father, Buckingham, who is soaring upwards. But his wings are disintegrating; feathers, which are quill pens, fall from them, and he is about to descend heavily on to a viciously pointed stake which is planted in the cobbles of the roadway. His wings are splashed with red, i.e. with sealing-wax. The stake is inscribed 'Stake out of Public-Hedge!' Buckingham (as Daedalus), whom distance makes much smaller than his bulky nephew, is borne up on intact, outspread wings inscribed 'Tellership of \ the Exchequer'. His naked posteriors are grotesquely large. Both are lit by broad slanting beams from a sun in the upper right. corner of the design containing the heal of George III looking down with surprised severity at Temple. On the opposite side of the wide roadway is a handsome detached house, representing the Paymaster's house in Whitehall. A negro servant in livery stands at the door handing up a package to a man in a cart inscribed 'Stationary Office', which is piled with similar packages and bundles of pens. Clouds of black smoke rise from the chimneys but are deflected by the sun. Below the title verses are engraved in two columns:

'In former days the Poet sings,
An Artist skill'd and rare
Of Wax and Feathers form'd his Wings
And made a famous pair -

With which from Precipice or Tower
From Hill or highest Trees,
When work'd by his mechanic power
He could descend with ease, -

Why T-p-e then wants such a store
You surely ask in vain? -
A moment of reflection more
Will make the matter plain,

With Plumes & Wax, & such like things
In quantities not small
He tries to make a pair of Wings
To ease his sudden Fall! - ' 20 April 1807
Gillray, James (13. August 1756 - 1. Juni 1815), Künstler/in
Grenville, George Nugent (1753 - 1813), Dargestellte Person
Weitere Personen/Institutionen
IndexbegriffePersonenindex: Gillray, James
Personenindex: Grenville, George Nugent
Technische DatenMaße: 37,5 x 27,1 cm
Material/Technik: Radierung (handkoloriert)
Objektspezifische Felder
BeschriftungIn der Platte bez. mit Titel und Prod. u. Publ. Nachweis (siehe Bemerkungsfeld) sowie einem vierstrophigen Gedicht; verso eine weitere Radierung (aufgrund der Dublierung nicht identifizierbar)
WerkverzeichnisM.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947
Dateigröße373.5 kB