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recto: "Lady Godina's rout; -or- Peeping-Tom spying out Pope-Joan" verso: "Shrine at St. Ann's Hill"
max. Changelog ID: 2077360
SignaturKS-Gillray-James DR 7156
Bestand: Kunstsammlung
BestandJames Gillray
recto: "Lady Godina's rout; -or- Peeping-Tom spying out Pope-Joan"
verso: "Shrine at St. Ann's Hill"
Status des Bestandsextern
Freigabewie Bestand
Alte Signatur
ProvenienzNachlass John und Gertrud Heartfield
BemerkungenBeschreibung zum Motiv recto in M.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947: "
A fashionable crowd, with two card-tables, a round table in the foreground (left) at which four persons play Pope-Joan; the most conspicuous is a pretty young woman directed to the left, her loose semi-transparent draperies revealing her person and leaving her breasts almost uncovered. A leering man stands behind her chair, negligently holding candle-snuffers to a candle on the table, in order to peer down her décolletage. A stout lady in back view, sitting on a stool (identified as Lady Buckinghamshire, but (?) Duchess of Gordon), a little girl, and an elderly man (identified as Dr. Sneyd) complete the table. On the right is another card-table at which three persons are playing. Standing figures freely sketched form a background, the whole design being dominated by the erect feathers of the ladies, usually springing from a turban, cf. BMSat 8755. 12 March 1796."
Beschreibung zum Motiv verso (aus George op. cit):
"Fox kneels in profile to the right with bent back before an altar, his hands together. His unpowdered hair is cropped. From his pocket projects a book: 'New Constitut[ion]'. The altar, draped with a cloth on which crossed daggers are embroidered, is raised on a stone step. On it is a guillotine, dripping blood. To this is tied with a tricolour sash two tables, resembling those of the Ten Commandments, but of the 'DROIT DE L'HOMME: I. Right to Worship whom we please. II. Right to create & bow down to any thing we chuse to set up. III. Right to use in vain any Name we like. IV. Right to work Nine Days in the Week, & do what we please on the Tenth: V. Right to honor both Father & Mother, when we find it necessary. VI. Right to Kill. VII. Right to commit Adultery. VIII. Right to Plunder. IX. Right to bear what Witness we please. X. Right to covet our Neighbour[s] House & all that is his.' On the altar in front of the guillotine stand three roughly made posts on rectangular pedestals. The centre one (in place of a crucifix), inscribed 'Exit Homo', is surmounted by a large cap of 'Egalité' with a tricolour cockade; at its base is a skull and cross-bones. On the other posts are busts: (left) 'Robert- \ speire'; to the post are nailed two bleeding hands; (right) 'Buona \ -parte'. The altar and guillotine are backed by draped and fringed curtains.
From the upper left corner of the design a shaft of light surrounded by clouds descends towards Fox. In this are the winged heads of six members of the Opposition, all wearing bonnets-rouges and looking towards the 'Droit de l'Homme'. In front is Norfolk, next and on the left is Lansdowne with an inscrutable smile. They are followed by Bedford; above him are Tierney and Lauderdale. Last, and on a smaller scale, is the malevolent head of Nicholls. 26 May 1798."

Gillray, James (13. August 1756 - 1. Juni 1815), Künstler/in
Fox, Charles James (24. Januar 1749 - 13. September 1806), Dargestellte Person
Weitere Personen/Institutionen
IndexbegriffePersonenindex: Fox, Charles James
Personenindex: Gillray, James
Technische DatenMaße: 30 x 41,5 cm
Material/Technik: recto: Radierung (handkoloriert)
Material/Technik: verso: Radierung mit Aquatinta
Objektspezifische Felder
BeschriftungIn der Platte jew. bez. mit Titel und Prod. u. Publ. Nachweis (siehe Bemerkungsfeld); recto einige Inschriften in Bleistift, z. B. "Duchess of Buckingham"; "Lady Coventry [?]"
WerkverzeichnisM.Dorothy George, 'Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum', VIII, 1947
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