Enthält | 1. 1:1 Vocoder Speech; 2. 1:1 Speech from Vocoder, VS Public Adress System; 3. All-hiss speech; 4. (All-buzz speech at constant pitch. Buzz and hiss speech, varous monotones.); 5. Octave lower, "Barnacle Bill" and octave higher "Happy birthday"; 6. Decreased and increased inflection VS 1:1, on speech and song, "Way down upon the swanee river"; 7. Inverted inflection, "Yankee Doodle"; 8. Synthesis of Steamboat whistle & Jews harp, "Yankee Doodle"; 9. Quality changes by shifting chammels, nasal speech and muffled speech; 10. Vibrato raates of 3, 6 and 10 cycles on song, !Old man river"; 11. Relative contributions of buzz and hiss on the wowrds "church", "dirt" and "shirts"; 12. Threee different remade voices in "Family Scene"; 13. Duet and Trio - Speech and Song; 14. Speech synthesized from: a. Train noise, b. Airplane noise, c. Pipe organ music "Bells of St. Mary's", d. Power hum, e. Violin quartet with piano "Just a song at Twillight", f. Large Ochestra (Theme music) |